Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Straight gay pride

During my recent talks with several people in the gay community, I have heard some very disturbing things. I've heard about couples wanting to get married, and not being legally allowed to. I've heard about couples wanting to adopt and being turned down. I've heard about suicides that could have been prevented, and about how cruel people can be. What I haven't heard much of is support. It seems to be a rare precious gem for those in the gay community to come across. I can't help but ask why?
It's not like being gay is anything new. Research shows that as far back as 1632, there have been gays, lesbians and bisexuals in positions of trust and power. We have idolized people but would be shocked to learn that many of them were part of the gay community. For instance, our beloved James Dean. Yep, he was a bisexual male. Anderson Cooper, CNN news anchor and Gloria Vanderbilts son, was gay. Mary Cheney, Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter is also gay. Boy George, ok, well, that's a given. lol Glenn Burke, a gay man who played baseball for both the Dodgers and later the Oakland A's. Queen Christinia of Sweden, a gay woman who took the crown at age 6 after her parents sudden death.
These people were all accepted. Some of them have been idolized, others have been made famous simply because of their death. Yet, so many would be forgotten, their reputations ruined, their graves desecrated if people knew the truth about their sexuality. Why? Just because they were/are gay doesn't mean that they are any different than the person that was idolized. It really shouldn't make two shits of a difference. Yet, it does.
Because while some can be idolized, others are teased, taunted, put down, some downright tormented. The sad part is that it's not just strangers that do this. Sometimes, the worst of the brutality comes from those that are supposed to accept us, no matter what. It comes from our parents, who make snide remarks about the gay community, it comes from our friends who call the quiet guy a faggot. Often times, it comes from siblings, teachers, counselors, pastors, doctors, even social workers. They are blind to their actions. They refuse to believe that being gay is not a choice. It's not a disease. There is nothing wrong with it. If society would just stop being so judgemental, then they would see that.
So, who can you turn to when it seems like the rest of the world hates you? Who do you talk to that will accept you just the way that you are? There is help. There are people that care. I've tried to get as many resources as possible, but I'm sure that there are many more. If you know of any, please feel free to add them in the comments section.
The Trevor Project
http://www.thetrevorproject.org/home2.aspx         or 1-866-4-U-Trevor
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization focused on crisis and suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth.
The Trevor Project operates the only accredited, nationwide, around-the-clock crisis and suicide prevention helpline for LGBTQ youth. If you or a friend are feeling lost or alone, call The Trevor Helpline. There is hope, there is help.
Pride for Youth
http://www.longislandcrisiscenter.org/pfyindex.htm   or 516-679-9000
Based in Long Island. They are not a 24 hour but there is usually someone there between 10 am and 8 pm eastern time. They are amazing for listening, giving advice, and helping you to find resources.They are caring, accepting, and fun to talk to.
Suicide Hotline
http://suicidehotlines.com/     or 1-800-SUICIDE
A great resource for when you just can't deal with life anymore. The counselors there are great for talking you down. They listen, and do not judge you. Sometimes all it takes is a compassionate ear.
Domestic Abuse Hotline
http://www.ndvh.org/      or 1-800-799-SAFE
Domestic abuse not only occurs between partners, but can also occur with a parent, sibling, etc. Do not hesitate to call. Even if it is verbal, it is still abuse.You do not have to live with domestic violence. There is always another way.


  1. For Brits the best place for advice is Stonewall at http://www.stonewall.org.uk/

    If you need somebody to talk to or are thinking about suicide then contact The Samaritans http://www.samaritans.org/

  2. Thank you for the information. It means a lot to me.

  3. There is still this stigma attached to being gay/lesbian/bi. I feel alot of people have this weird paranoia about it and dont truly understand or want to in some cases. People in general react violently towards something they cant understand.
